
private dining

Bring the restaurant experience to your home and spoil your guests with our Private Dining by Grantland.

We offer private dining for smaller groups of up to 12 people, where you don’t have to worry about anything – just enjoy the company of your guests in the settings of your home.
We provide all the necessary tableware and kitchen equipment. All you need to provide is a fridge, freezer, stove and oven.

10 servings
1,500 kr. per person.
Optional wine menu: Classic, 1000 kr. or Prestige, 1500 kr.
Optional coffee, sweet treats and avec: 250 kr.
Up to 12 people.
Minimum price: 10,000 kr.

sample menu
5 snacks & 5 courses

Oysters & horseradish
Jerusalem artichoke & scallop
Cottage cheese & roe
Tomato & cheese
Beef & parsley

Asparagus & wild garlic
Halibut & citrus
Lobster & tarragon
Lamb & truffle
Rhubarb & tonka

Optional wine menu.

Contact us

tanker før festen

Antal gæster

– herunder også eventuelle børn. Specielle hensyn – f.eks. allergikere, diabetikere el. lign. De anførte priser er baseret på et minimums antal kuverter og det er en forudsætning, at samme menu serveres for alle deltagere. Til diabetikere og allergikere serveres dog altid en egnet specialmenu.


Det er vigtigt, at Deres toastmaster koordinerer aftenens forløb med den ansvarshavende tjener eller køkkenet.


Vi tilbyder vores standard-dekoration på bordene; vaser med buketter af tørrede blomster – ønskes andet, så aftales og afregnes dette selv med en blomsterforretning.

Vi står naturligvis gerne for opsætning af al dekoration, bordkort, bordplan m.m.

Bordplan skal vi have i hænde senest 2 dage før festen og al dekoration senest om formiddagen på festdagen.Ift. duge og servietter så bestiller vi de ønskede farver hjem


Hvis der er hyret musiker, så skal de gerne gøres opmærksom på, at instrumenter m.v. skal være opstillet inden værtsparret ankommer i lokalet. Vær også opmærksom på, at musikere i flg. deres kontrakt normalt har krav på mad og drikke – vi tager kr. 250,00 pr. kuvert for musikermad.


Serveres senest kl. 01.30 på Kommandobroen, vi anbefaler 01.00… Jo senere den serveres desto færre gæster er der til at nyde den. Husk på at natmad ikke er “skrub af mad”.


Festen skal senest afsluttes kl. 04.00 på KommandobroenHerefter vil tjenerne på høflig vis tænde for lyset og gøre gæsterne opmærksom på at nu er festen slut. …vi oplever dog yderst sjældent, at festen ikke slutter naturligt inden det.


Menuer til børn under 10 år afregnes med aftalt pris. Vi tilbyder både vores børnemenu-kort, eller evt. en mindre version af de voksnes menu


Justeringer i deltagerantal indtil 3 døgn før arrangementets afholdelse; omkostningsfrit·

Justeringer i deltagerantal under 3 døgn før arrangementets afholdelse; afbestillingsgebyr på 50% af kuvertprisen for de udeblevne·

Justeringer i deltagerantal under 1 døgn før arrangementets afholdelse; afbestillingsgebyr på 100% af kuvertprisen for de udeblevne·

Ved annullering indtil 3 måneder før arrangementets startdato; omkostningsfrit·

Ved annullering 1 – 3 måneder før arrangementets startdato; afbestillingsgebyr på 25 % af den bekræftede arrangementspris.·

Ved annullering 1 – 4 uger før arrangementets startdato; afbestillingsgebyr på 50 % af den bekræftede arrangementspris.·

Ved annullering 1-6 døgn før arrangementets afholdelse; afbestillingsgebyr svarende til 75% af den bekræftede arrangementspris.·

Ved annullering under 1 døgn før eller ved manglende fremmøde; faktureres 100% af den bekræftede arrangementspris.

Desuden forudsættes det, at restauranten holdes skadesløs for udgifter til særligt aftalte ydelser, der ikke kan afbestilles.

thoughts before the party

Number of guests

– including any children. Special considerations – e.g. allergy sufferers, diabetics or the like. lign. The prices quoted are based on a minimum number of people, and it is a prerequisite that the same menu is served to all participants. For diabetics and allergy sufferers, however, a suitable special menu is always served.


It is important that your toastmaster coordinates the course of the evening with the waiter in charge or the kitchen.


We offer our standard table decorations; vases with bouquets of dried flowers – if you want something else, please contact a florist to arrange and pay for it yourself.

We are of course happy to set up all decoration, table cards, table plan etc.

We need a table plan no later than 2 days before the party and all decorations no later than the morning of the day of the party. tablecloths and napkins then we order the desired colors home


If a musician has been hired, they should be made aware that instruments etc. must be set up before the host couple arrives in the room. Also be aware that musicians according to their contract are usually entitled to food and drink – we charge DKK 250.00 per. envelope for musician food.

Late night snack

Served no later than 01.30 on the Command Bridge, we recommend 01.00… The later it is served the fewer guests there are to enjoy it. Remember that night food is not “please leave” food.


The party must end no later than 04.00 on the Command Bridge, after which the waiters will politely turn on the lights and inform the guests that the party is over. … However, we experience very rarely that the party does not end naturally before that.


Menus for children under 10 years are settled with the agreed price. We offer both our children’s menu card, or possibly. a smaller version of the adults’ menu

cancellation policy

Adjustments to the number of participants up to 3 days before the event; free of charge

Adjustments in the number of participants less than 3 days before the event; cancellation fee of 50% of the cover price for no-shows

Adjustments in the number of participants less than 1 day before the event; cancellation fee of 100% of the cover price for no-shows

Cancellation up to 3 months before the start date of the event; free of charge

For cancellations 1 – 3 months before the event start date; cancellation fee of 25% of the confirmed event price.

In case of cancellation 1 – 4 weeks before the event start date; cancellation fee of 50% of the confirmed event price.

Cancellation 1-6 days before the event; cancellation fee corresponding to 75% of the confirmed event price.

In case of cancellation less than 1 day before or no-show; 100% of the confirmed event price will be invoiced.

In addition, it is assumed that the restaurant is indemnified for expenses for specially agreed services that can not be canceled.

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